7 phrases that models love to hear

If you want to get a model's attention (or anyone else in your life for that matter), paying attention to conversations and following up with compliments should definitely be on your list.

The phrases below aren’t designed to help you get laid or to get free shows from a model you are sexually attracted to. They are simply a collection of phrases that models love to hear. They make them smile and notice you from the crowd. And I’m sure they make you smile too.

So give them a try the next time you’re on Stripchat with your favourite model.

'I was thinking about you'

This is a bit of an extreme example, but if you are thinking about someone — let them know. The best part about this phrase is that it’s true. Every day we think about other people and telling them when we are can only strengthen a relationship, especially an online one. “I was thinking about you and it dawned on me that we haven’t had a private in a while.” “I’m so glad you texted me. I’ve been thinking of you.”

'You look good'

What I mean by “You look good” in this instance is happy, fit, relaxed.

“It’s been a while. You look good.” You can even pair it with the one above — “I’ve been thinking about you. You look good.” People give each other compliments all the time. It’s OK for you to do the same.

'The last time we spoke you told me X'

By remembering a conversation you had with a model, it shows that you really care about her and that you are following along in conversations.

“The last time we spoke you told me about your new project. How’s it going?” “The last time we spoke you told me your cat wasn’t doing well. I hope it’s feeling better.”

No detail is too small for this one. In fact, the smaller the detail the better. Following-up about their cat is silver. Asking about her by name is gold. The greatest compliment you can give to someone is to show them that you are listening to them.

'I miss you'

We know that our favourite cam model often need their well deserved rest. But even if it’s been a day or maybe a week since the last time she was online. Just sending a message that you miss them will leave some amazing results.  

You can use our integrated messenger on Stripchat or even send an offline tip note. Tell them that you’ve been thinking about them and bring up an occasion that will make them smile. It takes a second, but it can help to make a model friendship last a lifetime.

'I really admire X about you'

Every single cam model in the world has admirable qualities. Being on the lookout for them and letting them know how much you respect them has never damaged a relationship.

“I really admire how great our conversations are. Guests really respond well to you.” “I really admire how strong you are. If that had happened to me I’m not sure I would have been able to handle it.”

Again, this is a good place to get specific and spot small details or notice how they have improved in an area that you know is important to them: “Wow. Your Spanish has really gotten better. I really admire how hard you’ve been working.”

'I love your energy'

We don’t have any stats on this one but we believe that not one model on the planet has walked away with a sour look on their face after hearing the words — “You have the best energy. I always feel better after spending time with you.”

“I love your vibe.” “I really admire how positive you always are.” “I always have fun when I’m with you.”

Sure, these may sound a bit cheesy. But allowing yourself to be cheesy from time to time is one of the best things you can do for your relationships.

'I saw this and it reminded me of you'

If you find a funny meme or even a strange article that reminds you of your favourite cam model, don’t be shy, share it with her and let her know it reminds you of her. People love unexpected gifts at unexpected times. So if you find something on Amazon you want to give the model, just because it reminds you of your fav, don’t be shy, be impulsive and find a way to surprise her. You will not regret it.


If you hadn’t noticed while reading them, none of them are all that complicated. In fact, most of the phrases and the words that make them up are pretty small.

Our words hold power — both good and bad.

Why not say the good ones?

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