Can HPV Be Transmitted By Hand? - Dr David Ley

Like old fears that you could get STIs from a toilet seat — or better yet, get pregnant — the possibility of getting HPV from someone’s hand or fingers is probably unlikely.— Stripchat Sexuality Resource Center

So HPV, human papillomavirus, is a sexually transmitted infection, and it is related to high levels of cervical cancer. So one of the first things I’m going to tell you and all listeners is go to your doctor and get the vaccine because it is very effective at preventing the forms of HPV that create cervical cancer and penile cancer and cause death and illness across the planet. That vaccine has recently been improved for people up to age 45 and probably older than that.

Can HPV be transmitted by hands? Probably unlikely. There’s no research really evaluating that. The primary mode of transmission of most sexually transmitted infections is genital-to-genital contact. Oral-to-genital contact also transmits sexually transmitted infections in several cases. However, for instance, HIV … has never been proven to be transmitted by oral-to-genital sex. It is unlikely that masturbation, hand-to-hand, mutual masturbation is going to transmit HPV. But better safe than sorry, get treated and get a vaccine.

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