Can You Masturbate Too Much? - Dr David Ley

David Ley Dec 8, 2019

As with porn or cams, many viewers wondered if it was possible to masturbate too much. As with porn or sex or camming, the answer for what is “too much” is often relative — some people masturbate every day, or multiple times a day. Others never do, or do very little. Sometimes, this is affected by religious beliefs, or sexual shame, or the feelings of a partner.

It’s so relative, Dr. Ley jokes that he often tells patients that “too much” masturbation means masturbating more than he does . — Stripchat Sexuality Resource Center

Can you masturbate too much? Well, whenever I get that question, I always ask, “What does too much mean?” I’ll tell you as a therapist, I teach other people that too much is more than the therapist does. If you’re masturbating more than I am as your therapist, then yes, it’s probably too much. Too much is relative.

The question is better asked with another question. Do you feel comfortable with the masturbation that you’re doing? Do you feel like it’s a healthy part of your life? Have you ever sat down and thought about your masturbation? Have you ever talked with your partner about masturbation? Because when we think about somebody masturbating too much, usually it’s too much for the context. Context in a couple of ways:

Context within your religion and if you were taught that any masturbation is automatically sinful and unhealthy and you masturbate one time, it’s going to feel like it’s too much.

If you masturbate and your wife or partner thinks that you masturbate too much or wish that you were not masturbating —  if they think there’s something wrong with you masturbating, then again, masturbating one time is “too much.”

Now the research used to suggest people in the sex addiction field, used to say that if you on average have an orgasm every day for about three months, then there’s something wrong with you, then that’s too much. The problem is they never talked to all the people out there who are masturbating and having orgasms, and I don’t know, maybe they’ve never met multi-orgasmic women that could have 30 or 40 orgasms in a night and blow their whole monthly average.

So, if you find yourself wondering or being told too much, too much compared to what? And let’s answer that question before we decide that masturbation is unhealthy.

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