If you eat your cum will you get vitamines back? - Dr. David Lay

David Ley Dec 8, 2019

We’re not sure where this came from, but a cam performer named Pretty Kate joined the chat and passed along a comment she’d heard from men in her chat room — that eating cum after you ejaculate helps you get your vitamins back. Dr. Ley graciously answered. — Stripchat Sexuality Resource Center

So, I got to say there’s absolutely no research on this. I will say my first book is called Insatiable Wives — and it’s about cuckolding and hotwifing and in the cuckold community — this is actual research that I did about the cuckolding fetish, in the cuckolding community there is this kind of interesting sort of bizarre idea that if you eat semen and if you eat the semen of other more powerful bold-type men, you’ll become more manly from consuming their testosterone.

It’s pretty unlikely your stomach is going to break down testosterone, it’s not really going to get absorbed very effectively into your body that way. Testosterone is more effectively absorbed into your body through injections or creams — that is absorbed through the skin. So, sorry “Pretty Kate”, but you can go ahead and tell the guys who are watching you, and paying to watch you, that if they want to be manly, they should go ahead and do whatever you tell them.

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