"VR Pride" Show Starring Mary Bambola, Marina Gold, and Kylie Green

VR Jun 14, 2022

Celebrate diversity and sexuality in VR on June 17 at 1 p.m. PST / 8 p.m. GMT. Join the live VR show here.

Let us introduce you to the VR world full of diversity! Gorgeous Mary Bambola, Marina Gold, and Kylie Green will be there for true lesbian love on. Could you think of anything being more tender and sincere than a show featuring three girls who are excited and passionate about each other?

Sensual sighs. Smooth curves. Hot lips. This show literally breathes beauty and grace! In fact, we are happy to show our audience that true love could take many different forms. This time you'll see two hours of the most sensual caresses from our incredible actresses.

Wanna join? Simply put on your VR headset and enjoy the live VR webcamming  in a way you've never done before!

You shouldn't miss this out: on June 17 at 1 p.m. PST / 8 p.m. GMT. Join the live VR show here.

You can always check the latest news on our Twitter and Reddit.



I’m Adam. I work on Stripchat and, since I am a people person, I get to take over some of our communication channels to be in contact with models and users. In other words: my job is awesome.

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