Camming and relationships: the real story from a model's boyfriend

Relationships are complex at the best of times and keeping them alive requires hard work. Throw in the add-on of being a cam model, and it will double the challenge. Or at least that’s what a lot of people think. However, there are plenty of cam girls in stable long-lasting relationships, proving the point that online camming and relationships can go well together.

We thought it’d be interesting to hear some insights from someone on the other side of the coin, so we sat with a thirty-something guy who used to date a cam model to talk about relationships and webcam modelling. Good news: he said it’s perfectly possible to make them work.

Practice full disclosure

This should be a no-brainer; communication is the key to all relationships, whether there’s camming involved or not. If it’s a one-off Tinder date, they don’t need to know what you do for a living yet, but once they’re more invested, fill them in on your job. Explain what you do, the time you spend on cam, etc, so that they can understand it and see that it’s just a job like any other. Work is work, and personal life is personal life.

“Most people, myself included, are not familiar with the industry and that’s the main issue. It’s easy to fall into the wrong presumption that a cam girl and a pornstar are the same thing, and that’s a bit intimidating as you assume that your girl is messing around with different people on a daily basis. That’s why it’s important that you explain to your partner what being a cam model really means. Show them the dynamics of it and your routine so that they see that there’s nothing to worry about. With knowledge there’s no room for fear”.

Spot the red flags

“I’ve known guys who would think that dating a cam girl was cool, so they would try to jump into something serious straight away, only to soon show their real jealous self a couple of months into the relationship”.

Check for the red flags at the beginning to save you trouble later. When your partner asks you questions about the industry, tell them everything, but if you notice anything off, better keep your distance. Sometimes you just gotta trust your gut.

On the other hand, if you’ve already been dating your significant other for a while and they’re not a fan of you camming, it doesn’t have to spell the end of your relationship. You can listen to each other and try to find the workarounds. They might even come around to the idea of it.

Involve them in the bizz

Couples that cam together stay together. Alright, maybe that’s a tricky proposition to make, but how about asking your partner to help you with your social media, or even video editing? It’s a great way to get them involved, make them see how the industry works firsthand and bond over something as important as your job. Win-win in every sense of the word.

“I used to help my girlfriend with her photos and videos, as well as taking business decisions together. The fact that she took me into that part of her life meant a lot to me. It helped me get familiar with the industry, understand it better, and it also allowed us to spend more time together. It definitely strengthen our tie”.

Keep doing you

The number one rule is that you don’t change for anyone, especially if you love your job. Instead of trying to accommodate to others, focus on finding the right person who’s okay with what you’re doing. Nobody said it was easy, but it’s part of the challenge of life.

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