Working on retention of your audience when camming (Video)

Stripchat Academy Dec 27, 2021

In this video we will discuss member retention and how to check your analytics.

It’s safe to say that having 20 viewers spending tokens in your chat room is better than having 300 and only 2 tipping. Engaged users are more valuable. Plus, they have the potential to become returning users, and we all want loyal members who are always ready to tip, don’t we? Therefore, focusing your efforts on engaging your audience is the answer.

Now, how to build that engagement? Easy. Interaction, interaction, and more interaction. But a thoughtful one. You must show your audience that you care, so you might need to take notes from time to time during your stream. Yup, camming also requires some homework.

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Hey! I’m Eva and I am always ready to help you! I also supervise some activities that take place on the site. I love being part of our exceptional tribe and working with such an awesome team!

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