5 Sex Myths You Need to Stop Believing

With absent sex ed in the classrooms and taboos about sex still being a thing, it’s no surprise that there are plenty of incorrect assumptions about the art of lovemaking. In fact, some of these widespread misconceptions persist into adulthood. They also might be affecting the way you relate to your sexual life. To clear things up, we’re going to debunk the myths about sex that many adults still believe.

The Top 5 Sex Myths We’ve Collected for You

1. If it’s not vaginal, it’s not an orgasm

Blame it on classic porn, outdated cultural beliefs, or utter misinformation, but many people are stuck with the idea that a woman’s orgasm can only be achieved through penetration.

Surprisingly, according to studies and research, women who reach sexual climax with penetrative sex alone are a minority. Most need clitoral stimulation for orgasm during sex. So if “Why can’t I climax?” or “Why can’t I make my girl climax?” is among your Internet history searches, know that the stairway to heaven starts in the clit. This pleasure center has 8 thousand nerve endings, whereas the vagina barely has 4 thousand, so you do the math.

2. Great sex always ends with the Big O

We live in an orgasm-centric society. Yes, that toe-curling euphoria does feel incredible, but it’s not the only pleasurable aspect of a sexual encounter.

There’s much more to sex than just climaxing; foreplay, your connection with your partner, and communication in bed are some of the variables that can make the difference when it comes to having a good or a meh time between the sheets.

And let’s not forget about kinks. Intimacy operates on many dimensions beyond the physical one. As such, fetish-oriented kinks play a massive part in sexual satisfaction. There’s more than just one way on the sex highway. Hence you don’t need an orgasm to have fantastic sex.

3. Sex = intercourse

Penetration, also known as intercourse, is often believed to be the same thing as sex. It has a lot to do with the myth of popping the cherry, which has it that a girl is a virgin until her hymen is punctured by some phallic element. But nothing further from the truth, sex encompasses a wide variety of sexual activities, which do not necessarily have to include intercourse. Outercourse, oral sex, anal sex… you name it.

4. During sex, you burn major calories

Sorry to disappoint you with this one, but if you’re looking to burn many calories, better hit the gym, not the bed.

Sure, sex may feel like a whole workout sometimes, but the reality is that the calorie loss is not that great. A study carried out by the University of Quebec at Montreal showed that in thirty minutes of sex, men burn about 101 calories and women 69, which is not that discouraging, one could argue. The problem is that most people are not having sex for thirty minutes, considering that the average duration of it is closer to 6 minutes.

5. Masturbating is bad for you

There’s a smear campaign against masturbation that started with the well-known “if you masturbate too much, you can go blind” we all heard at least once. It’s also been said to cause erectile dysfunction and many other unverified claims.

The truth is that masturbation is healthy, normal, and a big part of being a sexual being. Moreover, specialists argue that masturbating often can make your orgasms better as it puts you in touch with your body and teaches you what arouses you. Don’t hesitate to touch yourself more; your body and sexual partner(s) will appreciate it.