Welcome to Stripchat Academy, our vlog hosted by stunning Stripchat performers using our platform for years and willing to share their experience with you. We hope you enjoy it!
Advantages of using Stripchat by a webcam model (Video)
Lindsey Banks speaks about her personal experience with Stripchat from the very beginning of registering on the platform. She reveals why Stripchat is the bestlive cam platform and what advantages it has compared to other platforms Lindseytried during her career. Enjoy this intro video and find o…

Features & benefits Stripchat offers to webcam models (Video)
Lindsey explores some of the basic but essential things for models she found on Stripchat. She speaks about earning opportunities and Stripchat’s improvedalgorithms assisting models in driving more traffic to their rooms. Enjoy thisvideo to better understand how Stripchat utilizes its AI powered …

Passive income and payout methods on Stripchat (Video)
Lindsey Banks speaks on how a webcam model can improve offline earnings by exposing and selling content on Stripchat. She also shows how easily a cammodel can choose a preferred payout method to receive weekly payments via banktransfers or any other way. Enjoy this video to understand better how …

Improving StripScore and other ways to boost traffic (Video)
A webcam model, speaks about how essential it is to take care of your StripScore (Stripchat exclusive ranking system). She explains the basicsrequired to become on the top and the importance of producing and publishingyour content on Stripchat to receive more traffic and fans to your room. Watch…

Signup process and onboarding on Stripchat (Video)
A cam model explains how you can easily register your account on Stripchat andstart earning money and boost your online and offline income. Creating a model’saccount with Stripchat is free of cost. It consists of 4 simple steps: emailverification, profile settings, identification, and model agree…

Setting up two factor authentication (2FA)(Video)
A cam model explains how you set up the two-factor authentication to protectyour account. Here is how it will work: every time a suspicious login attempt isdetected, you will get a message telling you that Two-factor authentication isrequired, so you will have to open your Google Authenticator ap…

Importance of selecting your Knights on Stripchat (Video)
A cam model explains why models should designate some Knights in their rooms andhow to do it. Being a Knight entails great responsibility and it’s a veryspecial position, so a model must choose wisely. Pick only users they reallytrust to be their Knights. They are not only choosing someone to hel…

Never do any requests that you don’t like (Video)
In this video, a cam model explains why it is essential to be your own boss whendoing live cam shows. She speaks about models’ power to set their own schedule,decide when and how to work. This video also explores why models should never doanything they don’t want to. [https://stripchat.com/signup/model…

Why it is important to interact with your audience (Video)
In this video a cam model speaks about interacting with your audience andkeeping a positive mindset. Interaction is everything! Is what will make you skyrocket to success, as that’s what all users are lookingfor. Friendly, casual, kinkier… doesn’t matter which type, but interaction afterall. Wa…

How to set up your broadcasting settings on Stripchat (video)
A cam model walks you through the Stripchat broadcasting page and all itssettings. There are plenty of different settings and features to navigate, thisvideo explores the most important ones. Watch the above video to learn moreabout extensions and multiple functionalities created to boost your in…

Stripchat extensions. How to set up bots and games (Video)
In this video we’re gonna dive into the extensions world, and all the endlesspossibilities it can bring to your stream. Imagine if you could have an assistant helping you with your streams so that youdidn’t have to divide your attention between your show and technicalities. Well,extensions are …

Using your Persona to better contact with your audience (Video)
In this video we’re gonna discuss your persona, or in other words, how to makeyour individuality your main selling point. The key to be a successful model is to have your own personality. People will gowatch your show because there’s no other model like you, so creating an alluringpersona is ve…

Your StripScore and its main metrics (Video)
In this videos we talk about Stripchat metrics, specifically about StripScore,the platform’s native ranking system. Learn more how you can build and furtherimprove it, by following simple efficient steps. In short, make sure you tick off all these boxes and you will be on the righttrack: * You…

How to create a great Stripchat profile (Video)
In this video we will cover everything you need to know about creating a greatprofile to attract the broadest audience. First impressions last, and your profile is your cover letter for new visitors,so you must pay a lot of attention to it. If you want to grab people’s attentionas soon as they e…

Ways to promote your stream on social media (Video)
In this video we will discuss the power of social media and how to use it toyour own advantage.Although we are sure you’re already aware of how usefulsocial media is to spread awareness of your brand. What you might not know isthat you have an option on Stripchat to link your model profile to you…

Getting the maximum of your Stripchat promo period (Video)
In this video we’re gonna discuss why your two first weeks of streaming are themost important ones. In case you haven’t heard of it before, when you’re a new model, Stripchat givesyou a 2-week welcome boost. This is the best time to focus on creating your fanbase, as you will be exposed to poten…

Protect personal information and report fraudsters (Video)
This video will cover a very important matter that as a cam model you shouldnever disregard: safety and frauds. Being in cyberspace is great but like everything in life, it comes with its owndangers. That’s why you must be careful of what you share online and with who.Yes, we are cam models and…

Your perfect streaming formula, try mobile and use OBS (Video)
In this video we’re gonna talk about finding your own formula, doing what worksbest for you. We also speak on how it is important to stream via OBS and to trymobile streaming. In the cam world there’s no blanket rule on how to succeed. Yes, there arecertain golden rules to be on the right track…

Working on retention of your audience when camming (Video)
In this video we will discuss member retention and how to check your analytics. It’s safe to say that having 20 viewers spending tokens in your chat room isbetter than having 300 and only 2 tipping. Engaged users are more valuable.Plus, they have the potential to become returning users, and we al…

Why do cam models should stream regularly and frequently? (Video)
In this video we will discuss perseverance, and Lindsey Banks is also tellingyou some secrets on how to grow your subscribers as a cam model. Perseverance is the key to success, that’s a fact. Even though this is aflexible job, if you want to get to the top, you’ll have to take it as any other9-…

Boosting your passive income being a cam model (Video)
In this video we will talk about the power of passive income and how to buildyour own. One of the best things about camming is not only that you work on your own termsand are your own boss, but also that you can earn while you sleep. The questionis: how to build your passive income on Stripchat…